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Activate Metabolics Program

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Join our Activate Metabolics Program to let your body reach its full potential and become a healthier, happier you. Our personalized plan will unveil the secrets hidden in your DNA so you can kiss those extra pounds goodbye. Who says genes can’t be fabulous?

Welcome to the future of weight loss! Our Activate Metabolics Program is not your average weight loss program. We’re here to guide you toward a better, healthier version of yourself — and we’re using science to get there. No fad diets here, just pure, personalized results tailored to your unique DNA. Say goodbye to generic weight loss plans and hello to a program that’s all about you. Get ready to activate your metabolism and start the journey toward your dream body!

The supplements featured in our Activate Metabolics Program include:

Activate Energy

Get ready to activate your energy and power up your body with the essential vitamins it needs to stay healthy! As you make the switch over to your fat-burning mode, we want to keep you feeling energized and free from pesky cravings. That’s where Activate Energy comes in — packed with super-effective B12, not only will you feel an instant boost in your immune system, but you’ll also be well on your way to establishing awesome health habits early on. Let’s get activated!

Activate Vitality

Are you eating all the right things, but still feeling like something’s missing? Our bodies need specific nutrients to function at their best and Activate Vitality can fill in those gaps. This whole-food supplement is like a little superhero for your body, providing balanced nutrition during the program. Don’t let your diet fall short — give your body the boost it needs with Activate Vitality.

Activate Weight Loss

Get ready to say goodbye to those stubborn pounds with the power of Activate Weight Loss. Packed full of tried-and-true ingredients, this supplement will not only help control your appetite but also manage your blood sugar levels and boost your immunity for an all-encompassing approach to weight loss. Get ready to feel confident, fit and ready to take on the world with Activate Weight Loss!

*Taking the ingredients in Activate Weight Loss alone will not result in weight loss or improvement in body composition. This product is intended to be taken as a supportive product as part of your clinically supervised program with your provider.

Activate Detox

If you’re looking to shed some pounds, it’s important to keep in mind that losing weight can also mean releasing toxins that have been stored in your fat cells. That’s where Activate Detox comes in — it’s like your own personal cleaning crew, helping your body rid itself of pollutants. So go ahead and sweat it out, because with Activate Detox, you’ll have everything you need to feel refreshed and revitalized.

Activate Digestion

As medical professionals, we understand that a happy gut equals a happy life. And the secret to a happy gut? Probiotics! That’s why we’re excited to introduce Activate Digestion, a game-changing tool in achieving top-notch digestive health. Trust us, your gut will thank you as your immune system strengthens and your weight management becomes a breeze. It’s time to activate your digestion and start living your best life!

FAQs: Activate Metabolics Program

In St. Johns, FL

Get ready to unlock your body’s true potential! Our Activate Metabolics Program is a genetically tailored approach to nutrition and exercise. With cutting-edge technology, we’ll determine the perfect foods for your unique genetic makeup and the most effective exercises to keep you moving and feeling your best.

Yes! A well-known clinical study was performed by one of America’s top universities, Stanford University. The purpose of the study was to determine if DNA testing was effective in helping people to lose weight. When compared to other well-established and effective weight loss programs, those people that were on a meal plan that was specific to their genetic profile lost 2.5 times more weight than those that were not on an individualized plan. The science clearly speaks for itself, and it’s why we utilize genetic testing to identify the best plan for each client after Phase II of the Activate Metabolics Program has been completed. This puts the control back in your hands! The test is completely painless and non-invasive, and an imperative part of a focused lifestyle change.

Call us at (904) 767-3969 or request a complimentary consultation online today.